Corporate Social Responsibility
As an International company Britannia is conscious of the impact of our business on the surrounding world. Britannia is committed to the uppermost levels of ethical and considerate trading to ensure that we work in tandem with our local and global surroundings in a thoughtful and responsible manner.
Britannia’s domestic and international moving services involve areas where our vehicles and usage of packing materials could potentially undermine the stability of the environment. Britannia has made commitments to ensure that our vehicle emissions are reduced significantly as well as a recycling policy for our packaging that supports sustainability and reduces any potential impact on the environment. Britannia sources partners and suppliers around the world that fit with this criteria and match our aspirations for social and environmental responsibility.
We shall:
- Comply with all relevant and applicable local and international labour regulations, treaties, conventions and principles relating to the protection, welfare and health & safety of children. Furthermore, the Company will not utilise the services of any overseas agent deemed by local or international laws, conventions or regulations to be a child employer in any capacity in any operation under its control.
- Conduct all business in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations – including Health & Safety – of both the UK and appropriate overseas country.
- In accordance with our Health & Safety Policy, we shall provide a clean and pleasant working environment for our staff, with up-to-date equipment and facilities – risk assessments will be carried out on all activities.
- We are firmly committed to providing equal opportunity in all aspects of employment and will not tolerate any illegal discrimination or harassment based on race, colour, religion, sex, national origin or any other protected class. Furthermore, we will protect our employees from abuse and harassment.
- Require employees to disclose any conflict of interest regard their position within the Company and avoid any outside financial interest that might influence their work, company decisions or actions
- Emphasise that employees or any member of an employee’s immediate family may not accept gifts of money under any circumstances, nor may they solicit non-monetary gifts, gratuities, or any other personal benefit or favour of any kind from suppliers or customers. Employees are prohibited from offering or receiving bribes or other such facilitating payments for the purpose of obtaining or retaining business.
- The Company is committed to free and fair competition and will not make any agreement with a competitor which prevents, restricts or distorts competition nor exchange sensitive commercial, in particular data regarding prices or quantities (including sales, market share, territories or customers) and will comply with all relevant laws.
- Not tolerate price fixing, bid rigging, allocation of markets or customers, or similar illegal activities. Furthermore, employees are instructed not to discuss the Company’s business with customers and customers’ business with anyone outside the Company.
- Our staff are fully committed to our Environmental Policy. We shall seek to minimize the impact of our activities on the environment wherever possible – re-cycling facilities are available throughout the building.
As an International and local organisation Britannia has always looked to support charities and communities both on a national scale and on a local basis. Our offices around the UK all have their local causes that they are involved in while our head office regularly organise benefits for far reaching concerns. Whether we are supporting local Police initiatives, road awareness schemes for children or major charities in the developing world Britannia takes our social obligations seriously.