Stamp Duty Holiday: Should I Move Before March 2021?

5 years ago

The government has imposed a stamp duty holiday that will run until 31st of March 2021. This means anyone buying…

Martin Turner celebrates 15 years of Service at Britannia Sandersteads

5 years ago

Martin Turner has recently completed 15 years of service. In celebration, Sandersteads have presented him with a watch to thank…

John Inkpen celebrates his 65th Birthday

5 years ago

On 12 June 2020, John Inkpen celebrated his 65th Birthday and officially retired from his Move Consultant Role with Britannia…

Want to sell your home? Make your Garden a selling feature

5 years ago

With people spending more time at home during Coronavirus lockdown, priorities have changed and many now realise how important their…

Britannia Ryans COVID-19 Thank you

5 years ago

We at Britannia Ryansmove would like to say thank you to our staff who worked throughout the covid-19 lockdown, weekends…