Fresh lick of paint

7 years ago

Over the last few months Britannia Harrison & Rowley has been transitioning back into a newly refurbished set of offices.…

Au Revoir Shaun Anson!

7 years ago

After 37 years as a removal man Shaun Anson (Director of Britannia Willis) has finally hung up his steel-toe caps…

Incy Wincy Spider

7 years ago

Tuesday 18th July 2017 started out just like any other normal working day in the warehouse of our central office…

Introducing the new owners of Britannia Quickmove

7 years ago

In May this year Pete Monk owner of Britannia Quickmove decided to retire after 47 years in the removals and…

Britannia Turnbulls celebrates 150th anniversary

8 years ago

Britannia Turnbulls are celebrating a rather impressive 150th birthday this year and are due to welcome in a brand-new vehicle…