The Best British Expat Forums and Blogs

12 years ago

The Brits are out there! Research by the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) in 2005 indicated that an estimated…

How to Move to New Zealand

12 years ago

With Europe continuing to languish in the financial doldrums, and the UK climate enduring an endless cycle of drought, floods…

City of the Month: Adelaide, Australia

12 years ago

One of the beauties of being a “modern” city is that it can benefit from careful and intelligent planning. This…

Finding your favourite foods after you’ve moved abroad

12 years ago

Before moving abroad it is hard to imagine what things you will miss most about your home country. You may…

Planning a Working Holiday in Australia

12 years ago

Taking a working holiday in Australia is one of the most exciting, challenging and life-changing experiences you can have. Perhaps…