Britannia Removals
Britannia Removals
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Removal Man of The Year for 2019, Goodwins of Stafford

For the second time in three years, we are pleased to award Anthony Martin, our Removal Man of the Year Award! Anthony wins himself a £150 gift voucher!! Anthony, a family man, has worked for us for over 15 years and constantly receives excellent feedback from new and returning customers. Each year we use our customer feedback to run a rewards scheme for our crew, with awards being given for the most points/feedback. The guys love seeing what their customers have said about ... Read more

Removal Man of The Year for 2019, Bradshaw Burton and Leicester

Removal Man of The Year for 2019 Chris Palmer has won our prestigious Removal Man of The Year customer service award in 2019. This is the second time Chris has won regaining the crown that he originally won in 2016. Every month we reward all our staff for great customer service with our Removal Man of The Month award which is calculated on a points basis driven from client feedback and reviews, this builds into a quarterly and the annual award which ... Read more

Removal Man of The Year for 2019, Bradshaw Manchester

Dave Law has won our prestigious Removal Man of The Year customer service award for 2019. This is the first time Dave has won the award, but he is often seen on the leader board, winning Removal Man of the Month in May and winning a place in Removal Man of Quarter for Q1, 2 & 3! Each month we reward our staff for their great customer service with our Removal Man of The Month award which is calculated on a ... Read more

Moving Abroad Alone – The Liberating Experience

The prospect of moving abroad is exciting and daunting, but when you are taking this next step alone, it can just be overwhelming. But in reality, it is a very liberating experience if you completely embrace the change. We look through 4 of the ways and reasons you will find moving abroad alone freeing and beneficial to you. You Change the Direction of Your Life Moving abroad alone enables you to take control of your life and change the direction that it may ... Read more

Preparations for Moving Abroad as a Vegan

Over the last few years, following a vegan lifestyle in the UK has become ever increasingly easy. In fact, it has become so easy that moving to another country that may not be as vegan friendly may feel like a very daunting prospect. Not all countries are equal in their vegan-friendliness – for example, the best places to usually retire may be different to the best places for vegans to retire to. There are already lots of elements that a vegan lifestyle ... Read more
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