Britannia Removals
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Britannia Bradshaw and Green Technology

Mike Andrews of Britannia Bradshaw recently visited specialist vehicle builder Bespoke Bodies Ltd to check on the progress of their latest vehicles. The three vehicles represent an almost three hundred thousand pound investment and feature the very latest and cleanest Euro6 engines. As various councils around the UK implement government directed “clean air zones”, market leader Britannia Bradshaw are keen to keep moving with the times. Read more

Our In-house Training Centre

At Manchester Branch we pride ourselves on the service that we provide to our valued customers.  Whether you are moving home or office, around the world, our move teams are trained and motivated to ensure we provide the best possible service each and every time. Health, safety, quality and training are at the forefront of all we set-out to achieve.  Our skilled move teams receive industry specific training on packing and protecting your possessions.  Our teams undergo regular practical and theory based ... Read more

The Ups and Downs of Expat Life in Spain

Moving abroad is an exciting concept, a new fresh start in a different and exciting place, there are so many reasons to consider making a move abroad. Whether you’re moving abroad to retire, for work, better education for your children, to be with family or just because you want a new adventure, living in a different country lets you experience it in a totally different way. However, when living abroad not only will you get all the exciting benefits of your new home ... Read more

Retiring in Europe: Where’s best?

After years of enduring a hard work life when finally retiring you want to relax and make the most of life. Retiring abroad has become a popular option for retirees as it means a change of scenery, new people, new experiences and can even mean a lower cost of living. So, if you fancy breakfast in the sun and a late morning stroll along the beach you might want to consider retiring somewhere in Europe. Here are just a few of the best ... Read more

A Few Pennies Well Spent

It was successful US merchant John Wanamaker (1838-1922) who founded a chain of retail stores that became part of Macy's who coined the phrase “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half.” When John Bradshaw and Son posted an advert in the 1956 Cheshire year book they probably didn’t expect to be making sales from it more than half a century later, in marketing speak, “I wonder what ROI that campaign generated?” Britannia Bradshaw ... Read more
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