Britannia Removals
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2019’s Best Countries to Move to for Improved Health and Wellbeing

Let’s be honest, living and working in the UK can take its toll on a person! You are certainly not alone if you have considered moving to another country purely for improving your health, wellbeing and overall quality of life. There are of course many other countries where residents experience much of the same problems. So how can you choose a country where you are certain the move would only have positive impacts on your happiness and wellbeing? Thanks to the annual World ... Read more

Online Removal quotes vs written Removal quotes – the true story

With the proliferation of comparison sites on the internet these days, it seems so much easier to sit at home and sort your removal quotation out on line. After all, you just pop the details in and out comes the price, right? Not quite… Third Party Operators Most removals comparison sites are operated by third parties who pass the details onto often unchecked and unverified companies to see who will do your move the cheapest.  Once they have passed on your details and ... Read more

Planning and moving this summer

As we look forward to the summer ahead it should be noted that this is also the main time of year that people look to move house and here at Britannia Lanes we are prepared for it. We thought that it would be helpful if we could share our knowledge with everyone to make the moving process as simple as possible. The following are a few tips that we have found over the years helps make sure that our clients get a good ... Read more

Are there Less Risky European Countries to Move to Before Brexit?

With such continuous uncertainty surrounding Brexit, it has left many wanting to move to Europe in limbo and fearful to make any firm decisions. The situation does remain unclear and there are no guarantees Brexit will happen before 31st October 2019. What are individuals to do if they intend to move to a European country? Take a risk and hope it will all turn out OK? As the potential implications of such a choice are so significant, for many this is likely to ... Read more

Preparing to Live Like a Local in a New Country

Integrating into a new culture can be one of the more challenging aspects of living in a new country. Yet for many, a change of culture is precisely what motivated their move. A new life abroad can quite literally catapult you into a very different way of living, which often holds much appeal to those living in the throes of western society. Having moved to a new country, there will always be some people who prefer to create their own bubble of ... Read more
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