Britannia Removals
Britannia Removals
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Malcolm “Malc” Halley Obituary

Malcolm “Malc” Halley died peacefully at home with his family on the 8th of August 2018 aged 69.  Malc was Chairman of John Bradshaw and Son Ltd which was acquired from Derek Blatchford in the early 1980’s. From that time, the company grew steadily and continually to include Britannia Bradshaw, Britannia Goodwins and BCL Moving Ltd. Malc also had interests in Bradshaws of Leicester Ltd.. An early member of Britannia Movers International, Malc continued to be an active and strong supporter of BMI ... Read more

What you Need to Know About UK Expat Buy to Let Mortgage Opportunities

*The UK is no longer part of the EU and therefore while the information in the following Blog was correct at the time of writing, it would be best to gain more current information. The United Nations statistics estimate over 4.5 million British Citizens now live overseas and since the 2016 *EU referendum, over 100,00 Brits have emigrated. So, it appears many more will continue to follow and as a result, the Expat buy to let market is currently booming. One of the ... Read more

Britannia Reeves assist move for HMS Victory

Britannia Reeves have recently been involved in the removal of an “incredibly rare” cannon recovered from the wreck of the predecessor to Nelson’s flagship HMS Victory, which is due to be displayed at the National Museum of the Royal Navy (NMRN), just yards from Nelson’s HMS Victory at Portsmouth Historic Dockyard. The cannon weighs in at 42 pound cannons and was salvaged from the wreck of HMS Victory 1744 which was only discovered 10 years ago. The ship went down during a ... Read more

Mile High Club

A brave team of removalists from Britannia Sandersteads decided to work together to raise funds for Prostrate Cancer by taking on a skydiving challenge. The skydive took place on Sunday 15th July 2018 in Salisbury so far raising £2,815.89 towards their group target of £5,000. The jumpers were -  Trevor Woods, Mairead Almandras, Brady Almandras, Luke Smith, Tim Stevens, Nigel Woods, Adrian Harrison, Taylor Norwood and Ashley Watson The 9 Top Guns each did a tandem Skydive jumping from 15,000 feet and falling at speeds ... Read more

Where in the World Should you Live?

When you experience a yearning to move overseas, one of the first questions likely to crop up is what country should I live in?! Often, UK citizens automatically consider Europe as their first choice, simply due to the ease of remaining close enough to family members. However, with the recent turmoil and confusion surrounding Brexit, it’s becoming a choice filled with uncertainty and understandably, wannabe expats are feeling forced to reconsider where to live in the world, outside of Europe. Let’s be ... Read more
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