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The Latest Impacts of Brexit on Expats

*The UK is no longer part of the EU and therefore while the information in the following Blog was correct at the time of writing, it would be best to gain more current information. With each new headline and constantly changing Brexit situation, expats are understandably feeling somewhat confused and uncertain about their futures. Tensions remain high as the negotiations between the UK and EU reach breaking point. There appear to be far more questions than answers at this time and this is ... Read more

The Britannia guide to buying a home

Although buying a home can be an exciting adventure, it is also one of the most stressful and daunting decisions you will ever make – especially when it’s your first time. The decisions you make along the way when buying a property could save you – or cost you many thousands of pounds, so to help you through this tumultuous journey, here is Britannia’s guide to buying a home. Is buying a home right for you? According to a survey by the ... Read more

Expats in UAE can Relax with New Visa Regulations

The new regulations around visas and foreign company ownership are set to have significant positive impacts on expats living and working in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). For expats looking to emigrate to UAE this is very good news and may indeed spark a flurry to relocate or set up businesses here. Historically, the system has been far from attractive for expats and honestly quite impractical. The inflexible and rigid visa restrictions saw job seekers struggling to find suitable work due to ... Read more

We will not be moved: New Statistics Reveal Homeowners are Staying Put

According to recent data collected from the IMLA (The Intermediary Mortgage Lenders Association), UK homeowners are moving house 50% less often than they did 30 years ago! Moving home was historically a fairly regular occurrence with homeowners moving on average, every 7.4 years. However, now the market is barely moving with homeowners choosing to stay put for almost 20 years! In stark comparison, first-time buyer statistics are on the rise, largely as a result of the introduction of various government initiatives like the ... Read more

The Expat Life – Preparing for your new life abroad

So you’re looking to make your dream of moving out of the UK a reality? You may be feeling a mixture of emotions as you start to take action towards your goal. Feeling like you are on an emotional roller coaster is quite common when undertaking any big life change, so you may find yourself experiencing fear and excitement all at the same time! This is completely normal and to be expected as there is much to look forward to and ... Read more
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