Britannia Removals
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We will not be moved: New Statistics Reveal Homeowners are Staying Put

According to recent data collected from the IMLA (The Intermediary Mortgage Lenders Association), UK homeowners are moving house 50% less often than they did 30 years ago! Moving home was historically a fairly regular occurrence with homeowners moving on average, every 7.4 years. However, now the market is barely moving with homeowners choosing to stay put for almost 20 years! In stark comparison, first-time buyer statistics are on the rise, largely as a result of the introduction of various government initiatives like the ... Read more

The Expat Life – Preparing for your new life abroad

So you’re looking to make your dream of moving out of the UK a reality? You may be feeling a mixture of emotions as you start to take action towards your goal. Feeling like you are on an emotional roller coaster is quite common when undertaking any big life change, so you may find yourself experiencing fear and excitement all at the same time! This is completely normal and to be expected as there is much to look forward to and ... Read more

6 of the Best Vegan-Friendly Countries to Emigrate to

Choosing a vegan diet is something that is becoming increasingly popular in the UK, for a variety of reasons, such as health benefits or to reduce environmental impact etc. As a result of this growing demand, more and more vegan products are being developed and the range of choices available in restaurants is significantly increasing. In fact, some might say, there is now so much choice it has become a much easier dietary change and transition. You may have found that with ... Read more

7 Ways to Survive Onboard a 17 Hour Flight with Toddlers

With the recent historic first non-stop commercial flight from the UK to Australia, it brings up a lot of questions about what this actually means in practice for flyers. Yes, you and your family are indeed spared the frustrating changeovers – disembarking, walking, queuing, waiting around, boarding again! However, let’s not forget that 17 hours is a long time to be cooped up in a confined space. As adults, it can present a whole host of interesting challenges and when you ... Read more

2018’s Best places to retire abroad

If you are considering retiring abroad in 2018 or just curious where the best places might be then according to a report by The International Living Annual Global Retirement Index, the number 1 location is Costa Rica (up from No.4 in 2017). The International Living Annual Global Retirement Index collects data for 24 countries, ranking them for 12 categories ranging from health care to climate to entertainment and amenities. They also rank each country on its stability and its political environment. Top 10 ... Read more
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