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Leatherbarrows ‘swing high’ for local youth rugby team

Britannia Leatherbarrows have sponsored the new Oakmeadians Under 9’s match shirts. Andrew Pittwood (Financial Accounts Controller for Britannia Leatherbarrows) stepson Liam Chandler-Brown, plays for the team, which Rob Dance kindly agreed to sponsor. “The Under 9’s were the only team in the rugby club that didn’t have proper Oakmeadians match shirts, so they were playing their games in handed down training kits. As the team play their home matches at Meyrick Park in Bournemouth but play away all over Dorset and into ... Read more

Smoking hot fire walk

This year Britannia Reeves will be taking part in a charity fire walk for The Rainbow Centre in Fareham on Friday 16th March. The brave soles (get it?) that will be put through this mind-over-matter challenge are – Andy Shotbolt (Director), Matt Ede (Manager), Gavin Rabbets (Driver) and Darren Creasey (Driver).   Matt Ede said, “We are facing our fears and walking 15ft on smouldering hot coals. It may sound tough, but we have been informed it is perfectly safe. Some people say they ... Read more

Changing of the guard

It is with bittersweet sadness that Britannia announces the retirement of Brian Miles who has been the Operations Manager for Britannia Lanes of Cornwall for almost 37 years. Brian’s last day will be on Friday 22nd December 2017, he was 31 years old when he joined the company in February 1981, if you compare the photo of him when he joined in 1981 and the recent photo of him in 2017 you can see he has aged pretty well and managed ... Read more

Fresh lick of paint

Over the last few months Britannia Harrison & Rowley has been transitioning back into a newly refurbished set of offices. Seeing as their sister company Britannia Pink & Jones have been built a very new and modern warehouse and offices, it was only fitting that Britannia Harrison & Rowley received some much-needed TLC, which came in the form of a complete re-fit. The office has been rebuilt to house two separate offices and a large communal office for the staff. There is ... Read more

Au Revoir Shaun Anson!

After 37 years as a removal man Shaun Anson (Director of Britannia Willis) has finally hung up his steel-toe caps and hi viz jacket to be replaced by new gardening gloves and walking boots. Dan Willis (Managing Director) tells HB, “Shaun joined the family business (Willis of Skipton) after marrying Jane Willis. He started as a removals porter before spending some time as a removals driver then moving onto estimating. He has spent most of his 37 years with Willis as an ... Read more
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