Britannia Removals
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Fresh lick of paint

Over the last few months Britannia Harrison & Rowley has been transitioning back into a newly refurbished set of offices. Seeing as their sister company Britannia Pink & Jones have been built a very new and modern warehouse and offices, it was only fitting that Britannia Harrison & Rowley received some much-needed TLC, which came in the form of a complete re-fit. The office has been rebuilt to house two separate offices and a large communal office for the staff. There is ... Read more

Au Revoir Shaun Anson!

After 37 years as a removal man Shaun Anson (Director of Britannia Willis) has finally hung up his steel-toe caps and hi viz jacket to be replaced by new gardening gloves and walking boots. Dan Willis (Managing Director) tells HB, “Shaun joined the family business (Willis of Skipton) after marrying Jane Willis. He started as a removals porter before spending some time as a removals driver then moving onto estimating. He has spent most of his 37 years with Willis as an ... Read more

Incy Wincy Spider

Tuesday 18th July 2017 started out just like any other normal working day in the warehouse of our central office in Merstham until Andre spotted an 18cm (size of a guinea pig) huntsman spider in a shipping container of family belongings from Australia. Paul was seen running out of the container at a speed even Usain Bolt would have been impressed with, none of the warehouse guys would go near the spider so it was up to Steve Irwin’s very own ... Read more

Introducing the new owners of Britannia Quickmove

In May this year Pete Monk owner of Britannia Quickmove decided to retire after 47 years in the removals and storage industry, 25 years of which were with Britannia. With a previous life in the RAF Pete established the business in a part time capacity until launching full time into Quickmove Wiltshire and then successfully joining the Britannia Group. Taking over from Pete Monk are new owners – Daren Spencer, Ian Powell, Richard Hofen and Nick Clarke who also own Elm Holdings. “The ... Read more

Britannia Turnbulls celebrates 150th anniversary

Britannia Turnbulls are celebrating a rather impressive 150th birthday this year and are due to welcome in a brand-new vehicle this September with a special addition to the livery to mark the anniversary and possibly a reference to the old green Turnbull’s vans (all yet to be confirmed). Callum Booth (Digital Marketing Manager for Britannia Turnbulls) has told HB news that they are planning a “fuddles” (It’s a Yorkshire thing!) whereby each member of staff brings in food and drink to ... Read more
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