Britannia Removals
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Happy 30th Birthday Britannia Bennetts

Judith and Alan Bennett’s company is celebrating turning 30 this year and Judith has taken the time to tell us all about the company’s humble beginnings and their transformation in to the impressive removal company that Britannia Bennetts are today: C Bennett started trading on Friday 27th March 1987 – it was going to be Monday 30th but a good moving job rang to book so in true remover style AC wanted to please his first client! Our original van colour was burgundy ... Read more

Possible suspension of shipments to Qatar

Dear Customers, due to the current political situation in Qatar there is a distinct possibility that services to Hamad Port will be suspended. So far only NYK Line (NipponYusen Kaisha) shippers have confirmed that they have stopped calling at Hamad Port. For customers already booked to ship their belongings to Qatar with us we will keep you informed of any issues, and for those looking to move to Qatar at present Britannia will endeavour to continue providing a service to Qatar. As ... Read more

HMRC replaces C3 and C104A import forms with the new online ToR01 system.

Since the 1st January 2017 HMRC have been transitioning the new ‘Transfer of Residence’ (ToR) online application form, which is now mandatory for applicants changing their country of residence to the UK and wishing to import used personal and household effects with them. The ToR01 application form must be completed online for submission by post or email to HMRC in advance of their belongings arrival in the UK. It replaces the manual C3 Customs Declaration forms, and must be completed by any ... Read more

New Director at Britannia Leatherbarrows

Congratulations to Darren Vale on his recent promotion to Director. Darren is David Trenchard’s (Owner of Britannia Leatherbarrows) son in law and has been with the company for the last 10 years. Darren has been responsible for running the self-storage, archive storage and shredding services side of the business and has successfully overseen continual growth in this sector of the business. We wish Darren every success in his new role as a Director. Read more

Celebrating 30 years of the bear!

Paul Bearsby is celebrating 30 years of Bearsbys Removals - a fantastic achievement! As you can see from the photos Paul has aged somewhat in this time, but don’t we all in removals. Ralph Sayers of Bearsby takes up the story; ‘When Paul left college and, as a stop-gap before finding a ‘proper’ job, he started working for a large national removal company who will remain unnamed, but not unidentified – begins with “P”. Paul quickly rose through the organisation to become ... Read more
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