Britannia Removals
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Top Reasons to Move to France

France is a popular destination with many British expats. The country’s proximity, culture, the warmer climate and the potentially more relaxed lifestyle attract many expats, whether they are moving for professional reasons, moving with their children or relocating for retirement. Here are some of our top reasons for relocating to France. 1. Quality of Life France has ranked well on a number of quality of life surveys in recent years and offers good living standards if you are looking for a more relaxed ... Read more

More and More British Expats Are Moving to the Far East

According to the new Quality of Life Index by NatWest International Personal Banking, British expats have been attracted by booming economies in Far Eastern nations such as Singapore and China in recent years. The survey also reveals that the main reasons for the increasing attractiveness of the Far East are the stronger economic prospects, the higher salaries and a less burdensome tax regime. The number of British expats moving to the Far East has increased by 20% over the last few years. ... Read more

5 Tips For Finding A Job Abroad

For most migrants, the success of a move abroad largely depends on securing the right job in the destination country. Whether you are moving to improve your family’s lifestyle or your quality of life, you will need an insight into the local job market to be able to prosper when living abroad. Although having an existing job offer can significantly speed up your immigration process and give you peace of mind before and during your move, it is also possible to leave ... Read more

Top Countries For Raising Children

Expat parents have a lot of factors to consider when it comes to choosing the most suitable destination for a move abroad and to guiding their children through the relocation process. By choosing an ideal destination country, raising your kids abroad will be much easier and your child is also more likely to integrate better and become happier and healthier. According to the recent Expat Explorer Survey by HSBC, France, Australia and the Netherlands are the top countries for raising children. The ... Read more

How To Spend A Sunday Afternoon in Sydney

Australia has always been a popular expat destination with Britons, and the country is a great choice, as it offers good living standards and a more relaxed outdoor lifestyle in a relatively similar cultural setting to the UK. There are many great cities to move to in Australia, including Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane and Sydney that all offer a slightly different cultural and lifestyle experience. This month, we’ll give you some ideas on how to spend a Sunday afternoon if you ... Read more
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