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British Expats Miss Countryside Most

British expats living abroad miss the British countryside the most according to a new survey by Lloyds TSB International. Almost half of those questioned, 46%, chose the countryside as the thing they miss most while living abroad, with 85% of those living in the UAE choosing it as one of the three things they miss most from their homeland. The second most missed aspect of British life was humour, with 42% of expats choosing it, closely followed by pubs in the ... Read more

How To Spend A Sunday Afternoon In Copenhagen

Moving to Denmark can be a great experience, as the country can offer great living standards, good economic opportunities, a rich cultural life and alternative lifestyle choices. Copenhagen, Denmark's capital has also been repeatedly recognised in recent years as on of the world's cities with the best quality of life. This month, we will give you some ideas for what to do in Copenhagen on a Sunday afternoon.1. Go For A Bike RideCopenhagen is one of the world's most bike-friendly cities, ... Read more

Australia Is Top Choice For Expats Globally

Australia continues to be among the most highly rated destinations by expats and was rated as the most ideal expat destination, according to HSBC's recent Expat Explorer Survey. While Australia can also boast a relatively strong economy, expats chose the country for its quality of life and expat experience. Other top destinations favoured by expats according to the survey are the USA, Singapore, Hong Kong, Canada and the UK. HSBC's Expat Explorer surveyed 3385 expats from around the world about various aspects ... Read more

Tips For Buying A Property Abroad

When moving abroad, finding a suitable place to live should be high on your priority list. If you are planning to move abroad permanently and have the financial means, it can be a good idea to buy a property abroad as soon as possible. This can give you security and will help you feel more settled. Recently, we have shared some tips for Renting A Property Abroad and we hope that you'll find our tips for buying a property abroad just as ... Read more

New Visa Application System To Be Introduced In Australia

The number of Britons applying for Australian visas has increased recently, anticipating changes in Australian immigration rules, according to, a visa agency. Changes are to come into effect on July 1, when Australia introduces the new Skillselect system, which is designed to ensure that immigrants can contribute more to the Australian economy. The changes are set to lengthen the application process and will make it overall more difficult to obtain permanent residence. Skillselect – The New Australian System Skilled Migrant Selection Register ... Read more
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