Britannia Removals
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How To Spend A Sunday Afternoon In Rome

Whether you want to see some of the world's most famous monuments or relax in a stylish cafe, Rome is a perfect location for spending a Sunday afternoon.  This month, we will give you some ideas for what to do in Rome, Italy's capital on a Sunday afternoon. 1. Explore Ancient Rome If you are living in Rome, you'll soon discover that anywhere you go in the city, you're surrounded by the past. Rome's architecture bears the marks of Ancient Roman, Medieval, Renaissance, ... Read more

Tips For Renting A Property Abroad

Whether you are moving to Spain, France, the USA or China, finding a place to live in your new country should be high on your priority list when moving abroad. Your two basic options will be buying a property and renting a property. Buying can be beneficial if you know that you are staying in the country for a longer time, the house prices in your destination country are affordable, and if you have the financial means. Renting on the other hand ... Read more

Moving Abroad During A Recession

According to a recent survey by Skyscanner, 9 in 10 Britons would consider leaving the UK for a better life abroad. The current recession in the UK and a positive perception of other countries (even including ones hit hard by the economic recession like the USA and Spain) are the main reasons for emigration. While other countries might look attractive after spending a holiday there for example, the reality can be slightly more complex than an endlessly sunny climate, abundant free time ... Read more

How to spend a Sunday afternoon in Madrid

This month Madrid, the capital of Spain gets our 'how to spend a Sunday afternoon...' treatment. If you're thinking of heading to the Spanish capital anytime soon, read ahead to get our tips of where to visit and what to do. 1. Sample some fine Spanish wine Spanish wine is famous through the world and the capital city is one of the best places to sample some of Spain's most delicious fermented grapes. Outside of the city there are hundreds of amazing vineyards, ... Read more

Moving Abroad With Pets – What You Need To Know

As a nation, us Brits love our pets, almost as much as we love cups of tea and Coronation Street. So it will come as no surprise that when a lot of us move abroad we often take our pets with us. Moving animals to other countries is much harder than it is to move people to other parts of the world though. First you have to get them there, then usually you have to put your animals through quarantine when ... Read more
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