Britannia Removals
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Alcohol Around The World

If you're British, chances are you might enjoy the odd tipple every now and again. In many other countries around the world the locals are just same. But there are some unusual drinks and drinking practices that you should be aware of if you're planning to relocate abroad. We've had a look at some of the main ways in which alcohol consumption and distribution differ from the UK around the world to help prepare you for your move. Legal Drinking Age Just like the UK, ... Read more

The Top 5 Things To Do On A Sunday Afternoon In Amsterdam

Any of you that read the blog regularly will be familiar with our series on what you should do on a Sunday afternoon when you first move to a new city. There's no particular reason that says you have to do these things on a Sunday afternoon, but Sunday afternoons are great for strolling around and getting a feel for your new city. So if you're planning to move to Amsterdam, here's a few things we think you should do one Sunday ... Read more

Renting Vs Buying a Property Abroad

Is it better to rent or buy a property when moving overseas? There are reasons both for and against each option and your choice will ultimately depend on your personal circumstances, future plans and the country you are relocating to.To help you make your decision, Britannia has put together these pros and cons, which will hopefully help you decide on the best option:Renting ProsRenting is certainly the better choice if you are not sure that you want to stay in your ... Read more

Things To Know When Moving to Australia

Australia has long been one of the most popular destinations for British expats, due to the great climate, relaxed lifestyle, better quality of life, and higher salaries many Britons hope to find there. According to a recent survey, Australia is now definitely the number one expat destination for Britons, followed by the USA, Canada and Spain. While the optimistic expectations about the expat life in Australia are not ungrounded, you should certainly find out as much about the country, living conditions, ... Read more

Packing Your Belongings Before Emigrating

Once you have decided to move to another country, secured a new job, got somewhere to live and booked your route to your new country there is only one thing left to do: pack up your belongings. Anyone reading this who has actually moved to another country will know that it's not anywhere near as simple as that, but for the purpose of this blog post, we'll assume it is. So once everything else is secured and you're ready to go all ... Read more
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