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Halloween Around the World

Halloween is one of the world's oldest holidays, dating back to pagan times, and is widely popular in England especially among children and young people. If you have fond memories of trick or treating, and enjoy carving pumpkins, a night of horror movies and dressing up in Halloween costumes, you won't have to miss these activities even if you are living abroad. Halloween is celebrated in many places all over the world, most prominently in North America, Canada and Western Europe, ... Read more

Retiring Abroad – Expat Considerations

*The UK is no longer part of the EU and therefore while the information in the following Blog was correct at the time of writing, it would be best to gain more current information. Buying a villa in the South of Spain and moving there to retire is a dream for many. And while moving abroad for retirement is not as easy as many of the TV shows and magazines make it out to be, if you stay realistic and make the ... Read more

How To Spend a Sunday Afternoon in Barcelona

Regular visitors to the Britannia Emigration blog will be familiar with our Sunday afternoon tips. But for those of you who aren't, here's the low down: when you first move to a new city we think that a Sunday afternoon is one of the best times to explore your new surroundings. Most people are usually free on a Sunday afternoon and it's a relaxing part of the week so it's a great time to explore your new city. So if you're moving ... Read more

Alcohol Around The World

If you're British, chances are you might enjoy the odd tipple every now and again. In many other countries around the world the locals are just same. But there are some unusual drinks and drinking practices that you should be aware of if you're planning to relocate abroad. We've had a look at some of the main ways in which alcohol consumption and distribution differ from the UK around the world to help prepare you for your move. Legal Drinking Age Just like the UK, ... Read more

The Top 5 Things To Do On A Sunday Afternoon In Amsterdam

Any of you that read the blog regularly will be familiar with our series on what you should do on a Sunday afternoon when you first move to a new city. There's no particular reason that says you have to do these things on a Sunday afternoon, but Sunday afternoons are great for strolling around and getting a feel for your new city. So if you're planning to move to Amsterdam, here's a few things we think you should do one Sunday ... Read more
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