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City of the Month – Paris

Each month on the Britannia Emigration blog we look at a popular expat city and highlight a few of the reasons so many people move there. This month we're going to take a look at the romantic capital of the world: Paris. The food and restaurants Paris is home to some of the best restaurants and food markets in the world. The quality of produce and food available is unparalleled anywhere else in the world. From the grande Le Meurice to the smaller ... Read more

Driving Abroad

Driving your car in a foreign country can be quite intimidating if you're not properly prepared. If you're planning to live in a different country it's important to make sure you know what to expect on the roads before you arrive. We're going to have a look at some of the main points you need to have covered. But before you get out on the roads you need to make sure you're completely comfortable and happy to drive. If you don't ... Read more

Top Five Things To Do On A Sunday Afternoon In Berlin

When you first move to a new country it's important to get a grasp of what's going on so you know where to go and what to do. One of the best times to do this is a Sunday afternoon, why? You don't have work, lots of people are out, and Sunday is the day of rest so it's a great time to relax.This week we thought we'd have a look at five things you should do on a Sunday afternoon ... Read more

Tips for teaching children a new language in their new country

If you're moving abroad with kids for a substantial amount of time it's pretty important that they learn the language of their new country. Learning the language will help make their lives easier and it will also provide them with a skill for life. When children are younger it's easier for them to learn a new language as they are still learning vocabulary and picking up language skills.Teaching children of different ages requires different skills. To help give you inspiration to ... Read more

Top 5 European Capitals for Expats

If you are looking for new business or professional opportunities, a better quality of life or simply new adventures, but don't want to move far away, moving to Europe could be the perfect decision. Europe is home to many cities and capitals with diverse cultures, developed economy, and huge professional opportunities.Over the years, Britannia has been all over Europe helping people move into the major cities. Here's our list of favourites for 2011:1. BerlinA European centre of culture, media, and science, ... Read more
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