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Tips for Learning a Foreign Language

When moving abroad, especially if you are planning to settle down, it might be useful to learn the local language. While some languages are easier to master than others, and you can use English to communicate in many countries, actually speaking the new native language will certainly enhance your experience.Learning Japanese or Chinese, two of the most difficult languages in the world might take longer, but learning Spanish or French should be easier. Mastering the language of your destination will enable ... Read more

Top Tips for Landing a Job Abroad

If you're not relocating for retirement and don't have huge savings, you'll eventually have to face the challenge of finding a job abroad. Although you shouldn't expect to land your dream job right away, if you prepare well you should find something you enjoy. Britannia's top tips will help you prepare and plan you job search, hopefully making the whole process less stressful.1. Prepare ahead & do your researchDo some research online about your destination's job market, requirements in your field, ... Read more

Expat Considerations – Cost of Living

Young Britons thinking of moving abroad cite the rising cost of living as one of the most important  reasons for considering an expatriate life. Moving to a country where living standards are better and one can find a more rewarding job is indeed every expat's dream. Before taking the plunge, you should thus have a good look at the cost of living in the country you are moving to, consider  your purchasing power, and make detailed financial calculations to ensure that ... Read more

Staying in Touch with Family and Friends Around the World

As little as 15 years ago, keeping in touch with friends and family around the world was a real issue as sending letters and parcels was the only effective option. However, in 2011 it's now easier than ever to stay in touch with close friends and relatives wherever they are. Naturally, anyone thinking of moving abroad is likely to be worried about staying in touch with their loved ones back home. So to to help ease your concerns we've put together a ... Read more

The Top Five Things to First Do When You Arrive in…New York City!

Each month on the Britannia blog we're going to bring you our guide of the top five things to do when you first arrive in a new city. This month we're looking at New York. The Big Apple is one of the most diverse and cosmopolitan cities in the world. There's so much to do and see that when you first arrive it can be difficult to know what to do first. Apart from all the important things you need to do ... Read more
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