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Top 5 Expat Destinations

*The UK is no longer part of the EU and therefore while the information in the following Blog was correct at the time of writing, it would be best to gain more current information. The expat way of life can be attractive for those looking for a different work-life balance, a new job, a better standard of living or an adventurous lifestyle. Many Britons, especially the young are considering leaving the UK for one of the above-mentioned reasons, and according to a ... Read more

Moving Abroad With Kids

For adults, moving abroad can be quite a big step. You have new surroundings to get used to, new names and faces to remember, new friends to make and the small matter of adjusting to a new language. For some children the process of moving to another country can prove to be quite traumatic if not handled properly.As children are growing up, they learn their way in the world by developing social skills, making friends and becoming accustomed to their surroundings. ... Read more

6 Things You Should Know Before Moving Abroad

* the UK is no longer part of the EU and therefore while the information in the following Blog was correct at the time of writing, it would be best to gain more current information So you are thinking of emigrating or have already decided to take the plunge and move abroad? You're not alone, a recent study carried out by the research group GfK found that 1 in 4 Britons would move abroad for a better job, and to enjoy a ... Read more

Welcome To Britannia’s New Blog

Welcome to Britannia's brand new travel blog! After spending 30 years helping individuals and families relocate around the world we've built up a fair amount of knowledge to do with travel and emigration. One of the main things we've learnt is that preparing to move abroad can be quite daunting, but finding information and tips from people who've been there and done it themselves can be extremely helpful and even reassuring.With this in mind we decided to launch our own travel ... Read more
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